Notícias e actividades

Presidência do Conselho de Ministros

Proibição de publicidade aos descontos no preço dos medicamentos cuja publicidade se encontra proibida.

Saúde - Gabinete do Secretário de Estado Adjunto e da Saúde

Autorização do exercício de funções médicas.
Ordem dos Médicos reúne Congresso em Coimbra

Ordem dos Médicos reúne Congresso em Coimbra

A Ordem dos Médicos realiza o seu 23.º Congresso, na Antiga Igreja do Convento de S. Francisco, em Coimbra, nos próximos dias 31 de maio e 1, 2 e 3 de junho. Aceda a todas as informações aqui
ECDC - Considerations for the use of saliva as sample material for COVID-19 testing

ECDC - Considerations for the use of saliva as sample material for COVID-19 testing

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Nasopharyngeal specimens remain the gold standard for COVID-19 testing for use with RT-PCR and rapid antigen diagnostic tests.

ECDC - Considerations on the use of rapid antigen detection (including self-) tests for SARS-CoV-2 in occupational settings

ECDC - Considerations on the use of rapid antigen detection (including self-) tests for SARS-CoV-2 in occupational settings

European Centre for Disease Prevention and ControlThe use of rapid antigen detection tests (RADTs) and/or self-test RADTs in occupational settings can complement, but not replace, occupational safety and health measures and existing...
ECDC - Data collection on COVID-19 outbreaks in closed settings with a completed vaccination programme: long-term care facilities

ECDC - Data collection on COVID-19 outbreaks in closed settings with a completed vaccination programme: long-term care facilities

European Centre for Disease Prevention and ControlThe main aim of this activity is to collect information on the severity of breakthrough COVID-19 infections in outbreaks, by SARS-CoV-2 variant and vaccine product. This activity is not intended...
ECDC - Overview of the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination strategies and deployment plans in the EU/EEA

ECDC - Overview of the implementation of COVID-19 vaccination strategies and deployment plans in the EU/EEA

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

This report provides an updated overview of the progress of national COVID-19 vaccination strategies in EU/EEA countries.

ECDC - Objectives of vaccination strategies against COVID-19

ECDC - Objectives of vaccination strategies against COVID-19

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

This document provides an overview of the possible goals of vaccination against COVID-19 and reflects on potential implications.

Administração Interna - Gabinete do Ministro

Procedimentos de verificação da existência de comprovativo de teste molecular por RT-PCR para despiste da infeção por SARS-CoV-2.


Arquivo de Notícias
